Tuesday 29 November 2011

Unit 2 Part C:Project invitation on the facebook and Poster

The project invitation on the facebook
‘After 13 weeks art learning, to organize an exhibition is important part of my qualification - gold arts award. I hereby sincerely invite you and your family to visit my personal Art Exhibition at Creative Cohesion (nearby sunderland cinema) on Saturday, Nov. 26th, Let's partake of some drinks, bites and a selection of my artwork express myself in a world of visual art and stained glass.

Start Mandala drawing session at 14:00 pm with me and Joe Robinson. Then, the exhibition will start at 14:30 pm with free drinks and tasty bites.

Free session and entry, all ages welcome, My blog for gold arts award:http://whoisamywang.blogspot.com/

It would be a great pleasure to meet you and your friends at the exhibition and have a cup of tea together,The car park is just opposite to the studio and only 1 minutes to the sunderland metro/train station.


经过13周的艺术课程学习,组织一次小型艺术展是我完成课程的重要部分,我真诚的邀请各位赏光来访在本月26日举行的个人画展,地点在桑德兰电影院附近的creative cohesion。



The poster on the university notice board :

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