Tuesday 29 November 2011

Unite 2 Part C: The purpose and outline of art lesson at exhibition.

1.The structure and timings of session (25 minutes)

*The introduction to the Mandala and meaning in spirit    and internal express(3 minutes).
* Create a placid and peaceful environment together through abdominal breathing ( 5 minutes).
*To teach and practice drawing a Mandala(15 minutes)
*Learners communicate with each other by language expression and art expression.(2 Minutes)

2.Learning Aims 
*Introduce the basic knowledge and information to the Mandala and the relation to between Mandala with the exhibition’s topic.
*Introduce the abdominal breathing Exercises and be able to practice it.
*Learn and done a Zentangle Mandala together

3.Learning Outcome

*Understand the knowledge and information about Mandala.

*Know how to use abdominal breathing to clear our mind and relax.
*Used by the creativity and facture done a pieces of Zentangle mandala.
*Develop communication skills to express by language and figure. 

4.What is a mandala?
*The word ‘mandala’ is from the classical indian language, it means circle,but not only one simple shape. It represents wholeness, and can be seen as a model for the organizational structure of life itself, it is a cosmic diagram which extends both beyond and within our bodies and minds, or material and non-material world.
5.why is Mandala?
*The psychoanalyst Carl Jung saw the mandala as a representation of the unknown self and believe the paintings of mandalas enabled him to identify emotional disorders and work towards wholeness in personality. It can be used as a vehicle to explore art, science, religion and life itself, the mandala contains an encyclopedia of the finite and a road map to infinity.

*Creating a group mandala is a unifying experience to people can express themselves individually within a unified structure.
*The mandala pattern is used in many religious traditions and different cultures, and could to cross cultural block to demonstrate the impermanence of life.
6.Abdominal Breathing

*The excellent drawing skill isn’t necessary for to drawing a simple Mandala, so anybody could to done one Mandala in no more than half hour.

*It is a effective relaxation to tune up autonomic nerve system of our boday, transfor a stressful, angry and agitated life into a calm, peaceful and relaxed life.  This breathing exercise has a strengthening effect on the spine and brings peacefulness into the mind.
Step 1.Sit down with the spine properly supported
Step. 2 Put two hands on your belly.
Step. 3 Look ahead and Drop your shoulders, relax yourself and closed your eyes.
Step. 4 Deeply Breathe in the muscles and feeling bigger and bigger belly.
Step. 5 Relax and breathe out the muscles and feeling smaller and smaller belly

7.To teach and practice drawing a Mandala(15 minutes)

Step 1: Use the bottom of a cup to copy a circle
Step 2: Cut the circle

Step 3: Take you pick of these flower patters

The examples of flower patters

8.Learners communicate with each other by language expression and art expression

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